Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Video: Rep. Allen West: WTF?!

Video: Rep. Allen West: WTF?!

Rep. Allen West (FL), a proud member of the House Republican Freshman class, might be the nuttiest congressman in Washington right now, and not in a fun way. He speaks for himself. See what you think.
Liberal women are "neutering" American men

"To let these other women know, on the other side, these Planned Parenthood women, the Code Pink women, and all of these women who have been neutering American men and bringing us to the point of this incredible weakness, to let them know that we are not going to have our men become subservient. That's what we need you to do. Because if we don't, then the debt will continue to grow." (Political Correction)

Support Medicare? Kiss the USA goodbye

"I gotta tell you something: if you support Medicare the way it is now, you can kiss the United States of America goodbye." (ThinkProgress)

Sick and tired of Obama's "Marxist demagogic rhetoric"

"I am sick and tired of this class warfare, this Marxist demagogic rhetoric that is coming out of the mouth of the President of the United States of America. It's not helpful for this country and it's not going to move the ball forward as far as rectifying the economic situation in our country. And I'm not going to back away from telling what the truth is." (Political Correction)

Obama a "low-level socialist agitator"

"I don’t think it’s very presidential when Barack Hussein Obama refers to my colleague, Paul Ryan, as a simple little accountant, either. So I think when you look at what a community organizer’s turning out to be, it does seem to be like a low-level socialist agitator." (ThinkProgress)

Bringing the "light of freedom" to the Islamic world (Bonus: "Don't try to blow sunshine up my butt and tell me [Islam] is warm and fuzzy.")

"You know, I was there in Desert Storm and Desert Sheild to protect Kuwait. I served in Iraq, I’ve been in Afghanistan, I spent two and half years there. So I think I’ve done my share to bring the light of freedom into the Islamic world. And for this young man to come up to me and try to castigate me as some enemy of Islam, I will not tolerate that." (ThinkProgress)

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