Friday, August 31, 2012

Preying for Absolution: Catholic Priest says Molester Priests ‘Seduced’ by Minors'...

Preying for Absolution: Catholic Priest says Molester Priests ‘Seduced’ by Minors'...

Courtesy of
A prominent New York Catholic priest stated in an interview that minors often seduce older clerics, leading them to commit sex acts. The interview was subsequently removed and the paper that posted it called its publication an “editorial mistake.”
In an interview with the National Catholic Register, the Reverend Benedict Groeschel was asked how to deal with priests who sexually abuse minors. 
Groeschel suggested that the priest was not always fully responsible for his actions. 
Suppose you have a man having a nervous breakdown, and a youngster comes after him,” he noted. “A lot of the cases, the youngster — 14, 16, 18 — is the seducer.
He suggested that first-time offenders should be relieved of a jail sentence “because their intention was not committing a crime.”
Former Penn State coach Jerry Sandunsky, who is now likely to get life imprisonment after being found guilty of sexually abusing at least eight young boys, was also referred to in one of his answers as a "poor guy.
The interview, which was posted on the National Catholic Register’s website, was subsequently removed and replaced with an apology from both the editor-in-chief and Groeschel himself. 
The editors of the National Catholic Register apologize for publishing without clarification or challenge Father Benedict Groeschel's comments that seem to suggest that the child is somehow responsible for abuse,” editor-in-chief Jeanette R. De Melo wrote. “Given Father Benedict's stellar history over many years, we released his interview without our usual screening and oversight.”
Groeschel stated that he did not intend to lay the blame on victims. 
A priest (or anyone else) who abuses a minor is always wrong and is always responsible,” he said. “My mind and my way of expressing myself are not as clear as they used to be. I deeply regret any harm I have caused to anyone."
An extensive statement from Groeschel’s community of the Franciscan Friars of Renewal also pointed to the Reverend’s deteriorating health conditions as potential reasons for why he made such a controversial statement. 
The statement took note of the fact that the priest had been in a coma for over a month after being struck by a car seven years ago. 
In recent months his health, memory and cognitive ability have been failing,” the community’s note stated. “He has been in and out of the hospital.
The Archdiocese of New York, for which Groeschel serves as the director of the Office for Spiritual Development, also blasted his comments, saying they were “simply wrong.
The sexual abuse of a minor is a crime, and whoever commits that crime deserves to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” a spokesperson for the Archdiocese said. 
Apart from being a priest, Father Groeschel is also an author, activist and host of the weekly Sunday Night Prime TV show that appears on the Catholic Eternal World Television Network (EWTN).

TB Continued: Drug-Resistant Strain of Deadly Disease Alarms Doctors Worldwide...

TB Continued: Drug-Resistant Strain of Deadly Disease Alarms Doctors Worldwide...

Reuters / Denis Balibouse

The world is in the middle of a tuberculosis pandemic, scientists say. What was once a disease of undeveloped nations has raced across continents, with thousands of cases in Asia and Europe. The disease may infect up to two million people by 2015.
An extensive international study published by the Lancet medical journal shows that the illness, once thought to be the stuff of books by the likes of Charles Dickens, is making a quiet comeback. Cases of tuberculosis in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America are on the rise, and many of them are of a strain resistant to vaccination.
The study examines two types of tuberculosis: Multi drug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR), both of which are far more widespread than previously believed, experts claim.
Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that destroys patients’ lung tissue. The disease is then spread through the air through coughing and sneezing. Anyone with active TB may infect an additional 10 to 15 people a year, experts say.
MDR tuberculosis is resistant to at least two first-line drugs – Isoniazid and Rifampicin – used as primary treatment in confirmed cases of the disease. XDR is resistant not only to these two, but also to an antibiotic used as second-line drug.
"Most international recommendations for TB control have been developed for MDR-TB prevalence of up to around five percent. Yet now we face prevalence up to ten times higher in some places, where almost half of the patients … are transmitting MDR strains," Sven Hoffner of the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control wrote in a commentary on the study.
Afghan women look on as a child lies on a bed in a tuberculosis section of the main hospital in Herat (AFP Photo / Aref Karimi)
Afghan women look on as a child lies on a bed in a tuberculosis section of the main hospital in Herat (AFP Photo / Aref Karimi)
Presently, most seem to worry about diseases of the exotic type: Bird or swine flu, or West Nile virus generally tend to dominate headlines in the West. But scientists are warning that the world is in the midst of a tuberculosis pandemic.
In 2010, 8.8 million people were infected with TB, with 1.4 million dying from the disease.Treating TB is an arduous process. Patients often require a multitude of drugs, with treatment lasting for up to six months. Many patients fail to complete the process correctly – which researchers believe is a factor in the increase of cases of drug-resistant forms of TB.
Drug-resistant TB is not only more difficult to treat, but also more expensive. Chief Scientific Officer Tom Evans of Aeras, a non-profit group working on development of new vaccines, told Reuters that “without a robust pipeline of new drugs to stay one step ahead, it will be nearly impossible to treat our way out of this epidemic.” But the treatment, Evans said, is “limited, expensive, and toxic.”
Photomicrograph of a sputum sample containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention′s Public Health Image Library
Photomicrograph of a sputum sample containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health Image Library
In the US, a case of MDR tuberculosis can cost up to $250,000 per patient. In less developed countries, such costs will likely be unmanageable for patients and healthcare systems.
According to the study, TB strains resistant to any second-line drugs were found in nearly 44 percent of patients: From 33 percent of cases in Thailand to 62 percent of cases in Latvia.
XDR tuberculosis was found in 6.7 per cent of all patients in the study. Rates in South Korea and Russia, at 15.2 and 11.3 percent respectively, were more than twice the global estimate made by the World Health Organization.
The highest prevalence of MDR tuberculosis documented to date – 47.8 percent – was reported in 2011 in Minsk, Belarus, according to the Lancet study.
Though infection rates vary greatly between countries, scientists warn against stereotyping the disease as an issues solely of poorer, less developed nations: “MDR tuberculosis is not an issue isolated in one city or country, but reflects a wider public health threat resulting from severely resistant forms of M tuberculosis. To adequately address MDR tuberculosis, more solid epidemiological information is needed to increase overall understanding of disease development and transmission,” Sven Hoffner wrote in Lancet.

Apple Bans Drone-Awareness iPhone App...

Apple Bans Drone-Awareness iPhone App...

Courtesy of

For the frequency with which the United States launches drone strikes abroad, often killing civilians as a result, write-ups in the mainstream news aren’t always easy to spot. A smartphone developer wants to change that, but Apple isn’t interested.
Drones+, the latest endeavor from Brooklyn-based app developer Josh Begley, provides information from real and reputable news sources about executions conducted by unmanned, remote-controlled aircraft from high in the sky, the likes of which has become a hallmark of America’s wars abroad and has come with a daunting tally of deaths, both intended and collateral. At least it would do as much, that is, if Apple ever allows it to be available to iPhone users.
Josh Begley has pitched his Drones+ phone application to the team that approves programs for the Apple iPhone three times now, and three times Josh Begley has been rejected. He’s also heard a trio of excuses from Apple — each one a new reason for excluding his brainchild from the their app store — and now suggests that it might be more than just a user-experience or interface issue that’s keeping Drones+ from being downloaded on iPhones around the globe.
First, Apple told Begley that Drones+, an application that maps known US-involved drone strikes and aggregates news articles about them, was “not useful,” despite the list of other news aggregation apps being all but endless. Days later, they delivered a second rejection regarding the appearance of a corporate logo within the interface. Now for the third time in only a month, Begley tells Wired that Apple thinks the content included in Drones+ could be considered “objectionable and crude.” The same, of course, could be said about the strikes themselves.
Begley, a graduate student at NYU, sees Drones+ to be useful, though, and doesn’t quite agree with the reasoning of“objectionable” content is a qualifier for exclusion. After all, he says, all his app does is offer news on a specific subject; judging by a video teaser of Drones+ he’s put on the Web, its functionality ends right there (link).
With drone strikes becoming increasingly more commonplace and the death toll only growing, mainstream media recognition of the attacks is still few and far between. Begley aims to make news articles about drones strikes that much more accessible for smart phone users, but says even his basic, functional, working and very real app is being excluded on the basis that the realities behind regularly occurring drone strikes isn’t something the world is ready to have handed to them so easily.
“If the content is found to be objectionable, and it’s literally just an aggregation of news, I don’t know how to change that,” Begley tells Wired.
And while other news aggregation programs are openly available for download through the Apple-sanctioned app store, it seems the leading smart phone producers aren’t ready to let the public have the ability to easily peer into the realities of drone warfare, or at least not from the palm of their hand.
“I wanted to play with this idea of push notifications and push button technology — essentially asking a question about what we choose to get notified about in real time,” Begley tells Wired, really making it as easy as having real-time drone updates beamed straight to the iPhone of anyone that installs the app. “I thought reaching into the pockets of U.S. smartphone users and annoying them into drone-consciousness could be an interesting way to surface the conversation a bit more.”
Apple, however, isn’t so sure. If Begley doesn’t bring his app up for another appeal, his third and final rejection would have been on the basis that his app “contains content that many audiences would find objectionable, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.”
Not objectionable, according to Apple, are thousands of other games and applications available for download through its app store. Pocket God, at $.99 per installation, asks players, “What kind of god would you be? Benevolent or vengeful?” Other applications that let users add a moustache to the face of friends — or remove hair from their head with a program called Baldify — are among the most popular paid apps available. Trigger Fist, a third-person shooter game that puts the player right into a warzone with an arsenal of weaponry, is the second most popular game available on the iPhone right now.
“I’m kind of back at the drawing board about what exactly I’m supposed to do,” Begley says.
Perhaps he’ll have better luck if he advertises Drone+ as being for entertainment purposes. Apparently only then the realities of war are worth having in the hands and pockets of smart phone users around the world. In the meantime, civilians will have to just look up statistics on America’s ongoing drone strikes themselves to find out the more difficult way that a US-led attack in Islamabad, Pakistan last week killed 17 people. Or play Angry Birds, if that’s you thing.
Earlier this year, Begley lent his talents to Kickstriker, a crowd-sourcing website that parodied the popular Kickstarter page, but instead of helping charitable start-ups get off the ground, asked for assistance in raising money for projects such as a torture chamber to be used by Blackwater.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

'Obama Puting Off Iran Invasion Until November'...

'Obama Puting Off Iran Invasion Until November'...

Courtesy of
President Obama has managed to avoid war with Iran, but his wars still could come back to haunt him, Andrew Levine, a scholar at a Washington think tank told RT, exposing the pitfalls of the US electoral system and Obama's term in the White House.
RT: You contributed to a book entitled Hopeless: Barack Obama and the politics of Illusion. What was the illusion in your opinion, and how did it become hopeless?
Andrew Levine: Well, Obama of course campaigned on the idea of hope and the possibility of change, but he was skillful in turning himself into something like a Rorschach figure, in which anyone could see whatever they wanted to see. The changes were not certainly ruptures with the past, but they dashed the expectations of virtually every constituency that supported him, because they envisioned transformations of American domestic and foreign policy that were far more far-reaching than what Obama actually even attempted, let alone achieved.
RT: You’re writing that President Obama’s wars could come back to haunt him. In what way could they do so?
AL: Well, they could all fall apart. In effect the US lost both of those wars, even before Obama assumed office. But the imperative that Obama faced, which was also the imperative that George Bush faced in his final years, was not to lose face.
RT: I’d like you to expand a little bit on Afghanistan. You argue that it is turning into a face-saving operation. How is Obama handling that?
AL: Well, to the extent that he can develop a consensus in the political class in the United States. To get out as soon as possible, which seems to be happening, not particularly through his own initiatives, he will get out. But unless that develops, there’s going to have to be a continued presence there of some sort that is going to continue to wreak murder and mayhem and not to achieve any of the official objectives that the US put forward in entering into that conflict in the first place. 
Now if that explodes then Obama will look bad, because the United States will look weak and it will look defeated, and that’s not a recipe for success for someone that has already embarked upon an electoral campaign.
RT: Aside from the wars already on the US plate, you wrote that by far the biggest bullet for Obama to dodge was war with Iran. Do you think it will actually happen?
AL: Well, it looks now like Obama has dodged that bullet, at least until November, by basically buying off Israel with arms.
RT: What do you think about the president’s approach to Iran? 
AL: I think that the result is, he may have succeeded in avoiding a war between now and the election, and maybe even afterwards, one can hope, but the rationale for war remains intact. And so the danger that events could transpire which would reignite the danger – and maybe even lead to the eruption of a war – remains real, and Obama hasn’t effectively addressed that issue. 
I think this is an instance of a general problem with Obama’s presidency, and it’s partly why it’s very hard for anyone, any of Obama’s supporters, to come up with reasons for supporting him, especially for supporting him enthusiastically in the upcoming election, other than that the alternative is so much worse. Because whatever he’s accomplished – which on balance could be given a plus – it’s always encumbered with negatives that very nearly cancel out the benefits.
RT: The Republicans have pretty scary rhetoric when it comes to foreign affairs, with the exception of Ron Paul. Yet you called President Obama the most hawkish of the lot. Why?
AL: Well, he’s the most hawkish of the lot with respect to some issues, but not with respect to all issues. His position on Afghanistan is at least momentarily probably more hawkish than that of Mitt Romney. They have all of them said that now is the time to get out and Obama as the steward of the empire can’t say that…
RT: He also said that. He said "gradually."
AL: Gradually, to get out, yes, gradually to get out. But that’s different from getting out now, which was what even Newt Gingrich said.
RT: On a different note related to domestic politics. I want to ask you about the Occupy Wall Street movement and where you think it is heading. These people took to the streets to protest the culture of revolving doors, cozy relationships between corporations and politicians, legalized corruption. Do you think their voices were heard?
AL: Yes, in a general fairly diffuse cultural sense. I don’t think that Wall Street bankers are culture heroes any more the way that they used to be.
RT: In terms of policymaking?
AL: In terms in policymaking, probably not, at least not with this administration so far. There was a backlash that took creative form and led to a kind of awakening, a kind of consciousness raising, and where that goes now as the spring is coming and new forms of struggle are likely to emerge, and how that will interact with the political campaign.
RT: Soon Americans will face a choice between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. I want to ask you about the two-party system. Do you think Americans have much of a choice?
AL: It’s sort of like…Coke and Pepsi. And the level of antagonism that undoubtedly exists in the places where those things are manufactured and marketed. At the level of underlying political vision or underlying political orientation, there isn’t that much difference, and Romney would probably be perfectly happy doing what Obama does. 
We have a media which is so thoroughly controlled, and all the institutions that manufacture opinion are so pervasive, and our electoral system has become basically like advertising… it’s become sales promotions. There are brands and there are people trying to sell different products, one of two products. And it’s a pressure – it’s not so much that it’s a pressure that’s hard to resist – it’s a pressure that most people aren’t even aware that there is an alternative.
RT: That’s what I wanted to ask. Is there a chance for a third product to somehow get into this?
AL: Well, historically that only seems to happen to some small extent when the third product is backed by a huge amount of money, like when Ross Perot was running for president. And the greens can’t do that, and they’re not going to.
RT: You know, according to one of the latest Gallup polls, a record number of Americans, 40 per cent of Americans, identify themselves as independent, and they don’t have their candidate, effectively.
AL: We have a very profound disconnect between what people want in any meaningful and recognizable sense of the term and what the political process offers in the way of alternatives by the way that the party system has evolved, especially in recent years that makes it increasingly possible for corporations and for very rich people to effectively control the political process, and under those circumstances it doesn’t matter that much what people want, or even that much how involved people are.

Is Obama Helping Black America?

Is Obama Helping Black America?

Many on the left have criticized the GOP for what seems to be racially coded rhetoric. But while they point the finger, there are still some concerns about how much the Obama administration to help minorities.
While some blacks in the US.have been able to progress during Obama’s term, many problems in the African American community have actually gotten worse. That has some black leaders asking if Obama is doing enough for black America.
Trash on the streets; poverty and homelessness reaching critical mass. Urban decay described by some residents in Los Angeles’ Hyde Park neighborhood.
“This is a mess. The United States is a mess,” said Jejuan McCalebb, a Los Angeles resident.
The unsightly scenes in her neighborhood are rarely witnessed by America’s first family when fundraising in Los Angeles, but it is something McCalebb and her neighbors are faced with every day.
“I think he needs to come back to the lower level and see what we’re going through,” McCalebb said.
In a recent interview with Black Enterprise Magazine, President Obama said, “I’m not the president of black America. I’m the president of the United States of America.”
Still, that hasn’t satisfied people who believe he needs to do more to help African Americans in poor communities.
“The fact that black unemployment has remained consistent at 14 and 15 percent and as high as 20 plus percent for African American males, that’s a crisis.”
African Americans overwhelmingly supported President Obama four years ago, but since then, blacks in the US have also been disproportionately affected by the economic downturn.
“I’ve been living around here my whole life and I’ve just seen the structures crumble,” said South Los Angeles resident Trevor Swag.
While the U.S. unemployment remains right above 8 percent, the jobless rate for blacks is near Great Depression levels. In places like Los Angeles, 1-in-5 African Americans is without work.
Things are so bad, the Congressional Black Caucus and some black activists are demanding President Obama take an aggressive move in earmarking programs and initiatives aimed at poor black communities.
While the Obamas raise campaign money in swanky L-A neighborhoods, a new report shows the foreclosure crisis is now starting to wipe out much of the wealth black families worked for over generations.
Meantime, grassroots activists report that black voter enthusiasm is down. The incumbent president may not get the overwhelming backing of black voters like he did in 2008, but experts say he will get a majority of black supporters on his side thanks to his opponent’s poor choice of words.
“Mitt Romney and his using of racially coded language about welfare reform and other things is doing his best to motivate the African American community to get out the vote.”
Behind their grumblings, many black voters admit they’re optimistic of the man they overwhelmingly supported.
“In our families, in our communities, we never outwardly criticize our so called black leadership, whether they were selected or elected,” said Mzuri Pambeli of the All African People’s Revolutionary Party.
If there is a silver lining in the past four years for African Americans, black leaders praise Obama for his health care and education initiatives. Still, many of them feel the president is taking their vote for granted.
“I think the president can do a more courageous job of speaking up on racial disparity, not just on unemployment but in all walks of life.”
While the President walks a political tightrope over how to address issues affecting black communities, people like Jejuan McCalebb continue to hope change will come one day.
Courtesy of

Obamacare Mandate: 15-Year-Old Girls Receive Free Sterilizations Without Parental Consent

Obamacare Mandate: 15-Year-Old Girls Receive Free Sterilizations Without Parental Consent

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

As of August 1st, young girls in Oregon are now set to receive free sterilizations without any parental consentthanks to a regulation contained in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare).

After being finalized by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius earlier this year, the mandate allows for girls as young as 15 years old to go against parental wishes (or just not tell them) and receive sterilizations covered by their health care plan.

In fact, the teenage girls can still receive the procedure even if the parents openly object.

The bill states more specifically that all health care plans throughout the United States must provide 100% full coverage, without any cost-sharing, for not only all forms of sterilizations but all forms of contraceptives approved by the FDA for women “with reproductive capacity.” In other words, any woman with the ability to reproduce. Considering the rate puberty is rapidly accelerating in the United States, this age is very much up for debate. Girls as young as 8 are now giving birth, meaning that this law could apply to these young women who are literally “fit” to reproduce.

On average, however, the term would apply to girls around the age of 12, which is now thegenerally accepted age as to when girls begin to menstruate.

The consent form even allows for the possibility of a third party signer acting as an ‘interpreter’ for those who are impaired or cannot speak English. The form, which the 15 year old girls are given to sign before receiving their sterilizations, reads:

I understand that the sterilization must be considered permanent and not reversible, says this consent form. I have decided that I do not want to become pregnant, bear children or father children.
The regulation is highly similar to previous legislation mandates such as the California bill that allowed girls as young as 12 to receive the Gardasil shot without any parental consent. It also is in the same vein as the ruthless Eugenics campaigns of the 20th century that are openly admitted. In what started out as voluntary sterilizations, the U.S. government forcibly sterilized over 60,000 people between 1929 and 1974. States like North Carolina have considered paying the families of victims in monetary compensation to ‘make up’ for the government-enforced sterilization program.
Courtesy of

Urban Warfare Drills: Psy-Op Acclimating Americans to Military on US Streets

Urban Warfare Drills: Psy-Op Acclimating Americans to Military on US Streets

Susanne Posel, Contributor

The US Special Operations Command (USSOC) has conducted “training exercises” over Minneapolis. In a twofold effort, the US Armed Forces are acclimating the American public to seeing military everywhere, as well as being able to train their soldiers in real time on US streets in a manipulative effort to circumvent Posse Comitatus.

Both the local police department and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) collaborated, according to authorities to decide on training exercise times and locations although the general public was unaware of these war games until they were evident in their local skies.

The USSOC stated:
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, don’t be alarmed. They’re just training in an urban environment. The U.S. Special Operations Command will be conducting exercises until the beginning of September. This week they’re using helicopters, including Black Hawks.
This urban warfare drill is reminiscent of the Department of Defense drill that concerned residents in Coconut Grove, a city in Miami-Dade County, Florida. After midnight, simulated gunfire and explosions would be heard as military helicopters flew over skyscrapers.

Local mainstream media reported:
Miami police assisted in overseeing the exercises — but they were instructed to keep quiet about the exercises until late Monday, for security reasons. The police also blocked off roads around the Grand Bay during the exercise.


In Plainville and Worchester, Massachusetts, surprised citizens witnessed “military helicopters descended on the vacant Wood School [in] the late hours of the night in a scene that might have appeared to simulate the United States’ special forces attack on Osama bin Laden’s compound last year.” Many locals had their homes swooped down upon by black helicopters in an obvious display of military dominance over the general public.

Residents saw helicopters landing near Worcester Memorial Auditorium in Lincoln Square. Local newspapers were flooded with “telephone calls and e-mails . . . curious about what was happening.”

The local police claim they were unaware of the drills.

A US Army spokeswoman made a half-hearted apology for “any inconvenience or unforeseen disturbance.”

Mainstream media is now reporting that the US Air Force is training with the Russian and Canadian Air Force personnel in “a joint counter-terror exercise . . . simulating a cooperative response to an aircraft hijacked by terrorists in international airspace.”

Being called “Vigilant Eagle,” these training exercises are being held on command bases domestically as well as in Russia. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) released a statement admitting that during August 27th – 29th there would be simulated international flights from Alaska to Russia and back again in an effort to “foreign-flagged commercial air carrier on an international flight has been seized by terrorists.”

According to a NORAD statement:

The aircraft will not respond to communications. The exercise scenario creates a situation that requires both the Russian Air Force and NORAD to launch or divert fighter aircraft to investigate and follow the aircraft. The exercise will focus on the cooperative hand-off of the aircraft between fighter aircraft of the participating nations.
These exercises involve personnel at NORAD headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colo. and Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, Ala., and at two Russian bases in the country’s Far East.

Anonymous sources have been reporting that Russian troops are being spotted in Colorado at Fort Carson base; specifically at gun ranges practicing their marksman skills. The NORAD admission of US and Russian armed forces collaboration substantiates these claims.

Just this month, foreign troops were caught at a Wal-Mart. They were traveling in what were described as “large government vans”.

Moving around in white, unmarked vans, strange troops have been seen purchasing food and water at another Wal-Mart in Franklin, Indiana. Parading in military personnel fatigues where drone activity has been reported in Oklahoma City and black helicopters were spotted hovering over a construction site.

The increased activity across the nation in conjunction with the mounting citizen reports of seeing military on their streets, conducting urban warfare drills, and spotting foreign troops have prompted public interest in the US government’s plans to enact a full-scale martial law in America – expected by the end of this year.

Eugenicists Use DNA and Genetic Research to Push Depopulation Agenda

Eugenicists Use DNA and Genetic Research to Push Depopulation Agenda...

Susanne Posel, Contributor
Activist Post

DeCODE Genetics (DCG) has published a study that states Icelandic fathers who are in their 40s pass down more genetic mutations than their 20 year-old counterparts. According the DCG, 97% of genetic mutations are derived from older fathers.

Because males produce sperm throughout their lives, and the genetic make-up of that sperm is created from mutations based on previously produced sperm. This study supposes that increase in autism could be connected to these genetic mutations.

This has led to an increase in genetic defects, suggests lead researcher Dr. Kari Stefansson. She asserts:
Society has been very focused on the age of the mother. But apart from [Down's Syndrome] it seems that disorders such as schizophrenia and autism are influenced by the age of the father and not the mother.
Studies into DNA with regard to reproduction and children harken back to proponents of eugenics that discouraged the procreation of those deemed “unfit” by the upper Elite of society.

The President’s Council on Bioethics, who supports the screening of newborn blood in America, has stated that:
Advocates of a broadened notion of ‘benefit’ often extol the utility of newborn screening for helping parents make future reproductive decisions…But this notion of ‘benefit to the family’ is not unproblematic…Suppose that expanded screening of an infant reveals not a fatal and incurable disease but instead a host of genetic variants, each of which merely confers elevated risk for some condition or other. Who is to say at what point an uncovered defect becomes serious enough to warrant preventing the birth of other children who might carry it? At what point have we crossed the line from legitimate family planning to capricious and morally dubious eugenics?

The US government, in conjunction with hospital participation, has been warehousing newborn DNA with the intention to conduct full genome scans on every American citizen.

In June of this year, researchers at the University of Washington announced that they had successfully sequenced the genome of a fetus through a blood sample of the mother and a saliva sample of the father.

The fascination of population control purveyed by eugenicists like Margaret Sanger, founder of the Planned Parenthood in the US also wanted to further the advancement of genetic knowledge to prevent the unfit from breeding. Those of African-American decent, who were born with mental or physical handicaps, or had a family history that was not favored by the eugenicists, were forced to undergo sterilization through the mandate of Eugenics Courts – that now have morphed into the Family Court system in our modern times.

This philosophy, which was popular in the 1920s where racial hygiene was expected throughout society, has gone underground and transformed into scientific advancements into genetics. This science has touted that once a screen for genetic defects is created for fetuses, it can eliminate the need for unnecessary pregnancies.

Keeping abortion legal is integral to this ideology; while coercing the public into choosing abortion over other options is the job of Planned Parenthood. In this way, the standards set forth by early eugenicists lives on.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) withdrew funding for a conference on genetic factors in crime after protests from the Association of Black Psychologists protested the research as “a blatant form of stereotyping and racism.”

The use of research into the human genome and criminal behavior to explain how societal conditions contributed to certain racial propensities became an offence with regard to devising new ways to determine how genes might heighten the risk of crime in American society.

Professor Ahmed Hariri of the Duke Neurogenetics Department at Duke University led a study into the search for the human personality gene in order to explain “natural” propensities toward anxiety, alcoholism and other psychological traits.

The goal of these studies is to create a comprehensive genetic test for the mind. This test could help show how effective drugs like Prozac will affect an individual’s propensity toward mental disorders like depression.

In anticipation of Hariri’s findings, pharmaceutical corporations are testing drugs that will block and break an individual’s addictive propensities as an aid to already established psychological treatments.

By identifying genetic markers within DNA, scientists pushed theories into how “crime and violence weave social and biological themes together.”

By pointing out the genes that control aggressive or violent impulses, scientists and criminologists claim that the influence of environment can be added to the devising of genetic testing that can be tailored toward rehabilitation of certain stereotypes.

At the Euroscience Open Forum 2012 in Dublin, Armand Leroi, professor at the Imperial College London told the audience that genetics will lead to the production of healthier babies. Couples could use the IVF screen to rule out genetic defects that would prevent them from having physically strong children.

Leroi stated that with the eugenic discoveries in modern times, babies who would have been born with Down Syndrome are now being aborted “in most European countries.”

With the addition of mate or genetic selection, more children who would be born who have genetic defects are being weeded out in utero.
Courtesy of